ООО "Новомосковск-ремстройсервис"

8 800 234-60-50

г. Новомосковск, ул. Свободы, д. 9

04.04.2015 — The table tennis tournament in honor of the anniversary of the company


04.04.2015 in the old building NO MUCTR. D. I. Mendeleev was the third table tennis tournament among employees of LLC «Novomoskovsk-remstroyservis».

The tournament was round Robin (each to each). Following the results of competitions were defined top three:

1st place – Vladimir Pavlenko (Production and technical Department);

2nd place – Leukhin novel (Plot industrial rope access);

3rd place – Vasily Zakharov (Boiler and welding shop).

Турнир по настольному теннису 2015

Турнир по настольному теннису 2015

If you find a mistake, contact me Aleksey.Rudakov@eurochem.ru