ООО "Новомосковск-ремстройсервис"

8 800 234-60-50

г. Новомосковск, ул. Свободы, д. 9

27.03.2009 - Company "Novomoskovsk-REMSTROYSERVIS" is working on optimizing the system heating Novomoskovskiy "nitrogen"

  • 09.12.2014

    27.03.2009 — Company «Novomoskovsk-remstroyservice» is working on optimizing the system heating Novomoskovsk «nitrogen»

    Source — information-analytical portal Tula Region 71 Region In the company of «MCC» EuroChem «Novomoskovsk Tula region — NAK» Nitrogen «- the investment project for the replacement of worn-out insulation on interdepartmental communications. Upon completion of work of the NAC «Nitrogen» will not only significantly reduce heat loss to the atmosphere, reducing the consumption of […]

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