ООО "Новомосковск-ремстройсервис"

8 800 234-60-50

г. Новомосковск, ул. Свободы, д. 9

Municipal prize of the second degree for charities


Source — TV Company Novomoskovsk

Every year during the celebration of city Day in Novomoskovsk awarded the municipal prize. In accordance with the regulations on the awarding of municipal prize «For contribution to the development of municipal formation town of Novomoskovsk, the lists of candidates for obtaining them are discussed in the city administration, and then approved by Council.

The list of candidates for the award of municipal prize «For contribution to the development of municipal formation town of Novomoskovsk» in all fields of activity includes various organizations Novomoskovsk region.

I want to point out the fact that our company has won the Municipal prize of the second degree for charities.